Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nuo new print

Hello everyone,

This weekend I am going to be at the George R. Brown convention center for Camex which is a college book store trade show. I will be there supporting my line for Nuo and showcasing one of my brand new prints. Since people always ask how I come up with them I'm going to give you a behind the scenes look at my design process.

This is the abstract flower print I did for Nuo it's a best seller right now so my goal in designing the next print was to come up with a new variation of this classic.

First I find my inspiration. This is vintage wallpaper I love the curved lines.

This is one of many designs that came from this inspiration. I liked it but it wasn't quite there yet.

I pulled out the elements that I did like which was the petal like curved lines. I began overlapping and flipping them until it turned into a flower.

Next is deciding colors and how detailed we could be with the flowers.

The final step is making the pattern. We have to decide what size will look the best on all the merchandise which ranges from small net book clutch to a full size suite case.

These are the final products on the satchel and slim laptop brief. This process seems pretty simple but after it was all said and done we spent over a week in development.

Hope y'all enjoy the two new prints they will be in stores soon!

Love Life, Love Fashion

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Supporting locals designers and Spring 2011 Web shoot

Hi everyone,

I know it has been forever since I have written a blog. There have been so many times when I know I should written something but time constraint or just not knowing what to write stop me. What is sad is that I do have so much going on, I actually have tons of material to write about.

So I thought, the best solution to keep in touch with everyone is to video blog. You do not have to read my bad English and grammar anymore. I will no longer torture you with it. My close friends read my blog and just died laughing. I am sometime mortified after I read what I have posted but I am still better then Courtney Love. But at the same time, I cracked myself up with the writing. It really showed that my brain is going at 100 MPH and my fingers is in the school zone.

I will definitely be posting more often b/c I will not have to type. I am a horrendous typist, I create my own language.

Well, my first blog is about the Emerging local designers Party , Lot 8 boutique is having on Friday, 2-4-2011. I talk about in the video. I hope everyone come out to support and celebrate our local talent.

Here is the invite:

Yesterday, we were steaming and tagging the new local designers clothes when a customer fell in love with a piece and literally bought it of the rack. There is nothing like that feeling of selling your first piece. I hope everyone of the designers get to experience that feeling. It is pure joy and elation.

The rest of the video is a little snap shoot of the web shoot we did at the store. I hope you enjoy my first video. I am very excite to start this video diary of my year with you.

Well here is the link to the video:

" width="600" />

Did you notice the bang?? I really like my new haircut, I feel young and cool. That is a great accomplishment for a woman about to turn freaking 40!!!!! I am freaking out.


Love Life, Love Fashion

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